Bewindvoerders in de klem

Het moeizame Nederlandse rechtsherstel van Joodse oorlogstegoeden (1944-1952)


  • Christiaan Ruppert Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR)



For decades, the prevailing image of the post-war restoration process of Jewish assets in the Netherlands was based on more general accounts. Personal files from the responsible Dutch institution, the Nederlandse Beheersinstituut (Dutch Custody Institute), were made public in 2018. Based on an analysis of 600 files of Jewish ‘absentees’, this article provides important new insights into how the restoration process from 1944 until 1952 looked in practice and to what extent it was adequate. The research shows that the designated administrators undertook their duties to the best of their ability and that the NBI supervised the process. At the same time, it proved to be remarkably difficult for administrators to recover assets. They received limited support from the nbi or other authorities. The attitude of the NBI towards the administrators was distant, rigid, bureaucratic, and focused on legality. This confirms the lack of recognition experienced by the Jewish community in the immediate post-war years.


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Author Biography

  • Christiaan Ruppert, Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR)

    Christiaan Ruppert is historicus, fellow van het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving en lid van de commissie-Ekkart (begeleidingscommissie Herkomstonderzoek naar objecten uit de NK-collectie). In 2017 verdedigde hij zijn proefschrift dat resulteerde in het boek Eindelijk ‘restitutie’. De totstandkoming van Nederlandse akkoorden over Joodse oorlogstegoeden (1997-2000) (VU University Press 2017). Hij publiceerde verder onder meer Regelingen voor collectieve schade. Geef slachtoffers erkenning en genoegdoening (Boom 2022).







How to Cite

Ruppert, C. (2024). Bewindvoerders in de klem: Het moeizame Nederlandse rechtsherstel van Joodse oorlogstegoeden (1944-1952). BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 139(2), 38-65.