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Author Guidelines

Articles are submitted by using the online submission system above. Alternatively, articles can be submitted by sending it by e-mail – in Microsoft Word (.doc of .docx) format – to the Managing Editor of the Editorial Board at

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that fall within the focus of the journal. Please read the information on the Peer Review Process, follow the article guidelines for authors and the submission checklist below. Here you can find the article guidelines for authors in Dutch or English. These guidelines reflect on the style of the journal with regard to language, layout and bibliography. Manuscripts that are not compliant with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

If you have any questions concerning the online submission or article guidelines, please contact the Managing Editor, Dr. Tessa Lobbes, at

Book Review Guidelines 

Book reviews are solicited by the Editorial Board, but it is also possible to express an interest in reviewing a book. Reviewers are requested to use the guidelines for book reviewers in Dutch or English. Please contact the Book Review Editor, Nick Oosterwijk, at if you have any questions with regard to the book reviews or the guidelines.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Articles should not exceed 8,000 words including notes. For a review article the target length is 5,000 words including notes. Two abstracts, one in Dutch and one in English, of 100-150 words are included. Please indicate on the top of the manuscript: name and full address (postal address, telephone number and e-mail); academic title; number of words.
  • Manuscripts submitted to BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review have not been published elsewhere and are not under review for possible publication elsewhere.
  • Files are accepted in Microsoft Word-format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the article guidelines for authors here above.
  • All numbered illustrations, figures, and tables are submitted separately. All illustrations are cleared from copyright (see article guidelines above).
  • Authors who wish to publish in English or in Dutch and who are not native speakers are solely responsible for the translation or language editing of their manuscript by a native speaker before submission to ensure that the academic content of the article is fully understood by the editors and the reviewers. The editorial office has a list of third-party copy editors specialised in language editing and/or translation, that authors may contact. Please note that the use of any of these copy editing services are at the author's own expense. The Editorial Board will decide if the manuscript´s language check meets the requirements of the journal. Then, the editorial office of BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review will copy edit the final version of the article, both on the level of clarity of the content and on the level of style and notes.
  • In case of a multi-authored article, all authors have given permission to be listed on the submitted text. One corresponding author is authorised to speak on behalf of the authors.
  • All DOIs for online references have been provided, when available.
  • The author warrants and represents that the work does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal right of any third party. If the work contains any material that is owned or controlled by a third party, the author certifies that he/she has obtained permission for its use and that the material is clearly acknowledged within the text. This warrant concerns the entire manuscript, text as well as pictures, sound, video, data sets etc. The author also warrants to the journal that he/she has full authority to enter into this agreement and that the rights he/she is granting to BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review are done so without breaching any obligations he/she may have.
  • The author declares the absence of any conflict of interest.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.